ok... lets see... i can tell you some stuff and argue with those who arent gifted with intellegence at once on this q...
lambo- insane looks, but the weight makes em a little sluggish compared to the ferrari. however, the interiors seem a little more comfortable. Again, a lambo will get you more street cred. The lambo is insane. People say that audi has lost the feel of lambos... while that is partially true, they're starting to adress their mistake... look at the reventon, and the new lambo lp560-4...
ferraris do have more history behind them, but to me, they dont seem to have the same style as a lambo. they do have better performance usually for the money, and have more "latin passion"~ jeremy clark, Top Gear lamborghinis have more of an emotional design in looks, but the ferrari because of its pedigree, it "stirs more emotion"
i personally would rather have a lambo, because it can be driven everyday with the advantage of AWD, and also, this can help with acceleration, and handeling, and still will never cease to push the limits of human creativity and every time you see it, you'll get this sorta "PO'D, get outta my way, or ill bite off ur head without so much as a twich" feeling and u'll never get tired of its wild, but sleek styling.